Locality Director of Operations
The Locality Director of Operations will have responsibility for the delivery of optimal outcomes for service users and the local health population within the available resources. Ensures the development and delivery of locality group operational objectives including performance, resource efficiency and management of workforce plans in line with geography, specialty areas and clinical strategy. In undertaking their duties, the Locality Director of Operations will work closely with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) to develop, direct and lead service improvement and performance strategies and policies to support the delivery of safe and effective care.
Working as part of a triumvirate, this post is one of three key leadership roles who will be working together to provide senior strategic, visible, clinical and professional leadership across the network. The post holders will lead and manage services at locality level and will be jointly responsible and accountable for:
- The delivery of quality services around the core dimensions of safety, effectiveness and patient experience.
- The development of strategic plans in line with overall Trust strategy.
- The performance management of all services in line with local and national performance targets and standards.
- Ensuring clinical engagement, taking responsibility for good governance, safety and risk management.
- Taking a commercial and business approach to services which recognises and adapts to the needs of our customers.
- Providing leadership, support and advice to their leadership teams, managers and staff.
The triumvirate approach represents a very different way of working for managers and clinicians and is one that will demand much from the incumbents of those posts, who are expected to work together to make it a success.
The localities will be required to work collectively and collaboratively to ensure the effective implementation of the Trust locality redesign model, ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of patient and service user pathways across both their respective locality as well as the organisation.
Responsible for ensuring good working relationships with other localities and across the Trust and for being proactive in ensuring that safety, effectiveness and patient experience and a corporate approach is at the forefront in dealing with any cross-boundary issue.
Recognise your wider responsibilities and accountability to the Trust and acknowledge that on occasion this may override the priorities of the Locality.
The postholder will have responsibility for the operational management of the locality group, ensuring the implementation of Trust, ICB and national strategies to achieve locality group objectives. They will be responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of a long-term strategic plan for the locality group.
The role will also play a key part in the leadership of the Trust and has responsibilities across the organisation as well as the specific locality group.
The postholder will build strong relationships across services and organisational boundaries. Internally the post holder will work closely with all locality groups and Trust wide corporate services to lead and support the delivery of the Trust’s annual and improvement plans, the locality group’s annual plan and the mental health and learning disability priorities within the ICB’s system delivery plans.
It is recognised that clinical and strategic leadership needs to cross the locality group structures to ensure that there is pathway standardisation, consistency of clinical standards, practices and outcomes. The Locality Director of Operations will work with other locality groups and corporate leadership to achieve this goal.