Locality Director of Nursing
The Locality Director of Nursing is responsible for ensuring high quality care is delivered within the Locality services and providing professional leadership to the Locality nursing workforce and for supporting the professional leadership of AHPs, Psychologists and Social Workers. They will promote a culture of learning and openness and ensure clinical staff have the knowledge, capability, systems and support to deliver evidence based care and embed lessons learned in practice for the improvement of patient experience.
Working as part of a triumvirate, this post is one of three key leaders with management, medical and nursing expertise who will be working together to provide senior strategic, visible, clinical and professional leadership across the locality. The post holders will lead and manage services at locality level and will be jointly responsible and accountable for:
- The delivery of quality services around the core dimensions of safety, effectiveness and patient experience.
- The development of strategic plans in line with overall Trust strategy.
- The performance management of all services in line with local and national performance targets and standards.
- Ensuring clinical engagement, taking responsibility for good governance, safety and risk management.
- Taking a commercial and business approach to services which recognises and adapts to the needs of our customers.
- Providing leadership, support and advice to their leadership teams, managers and staff.
- Supporting the continuous professional development of the nursing workforce.
- Forming effective working relationships with Place based partners.
The triumvirate approach represents a very different way of working for managers and clinicians and is one that will demand much from the incumbents of those posts, who are expected to work together to make it a success.
The localities will be required to work collectively and collaboratively to ensure the effective implementation of the Trust’s redesigned operating model, ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of patient and service user pathways across both their respective locality as well as the organisation.
Responsible for ensuring good working relationships with other localities and across the Trust and for being proactive in ensuring that safety, effectiveness and patient experience and a corporate approach is at the forefront in dealing with any cross-boundary issue.